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Table 1 Demographics at time of inclusion

From: Long-term humoral and cellular immunity after primary SARS-CoV-2 infection: a 20-month longitudinal study


N = 93

Sex, n (%)


43 (46%)


50 (54%)

Age (years), Median [IQR]

48 [42, 55]

Comorbidities (No. of comorbidities), n (%)

  > 1 Comorbidities

40 (43%)

 No Comorbidities

53 (57%)

BMI index, n (%)


45 (48%)


28 (30%)


20 (22%)

Disease severity group, n (%)


9 (9.7%)


69 (74%)

 3 + 4

15 (16%)

  1. Table showing demographics at time of inclusion. Disease severity group is divided as follows: 1) Home/outpatient not experiencing any limitations in daily life; 2) Home/outpatient, certain limitations in daily activity level (e.g., fever, bedridden during illness); 3+4) All hospitalized patients regardless of need for supplemental oxygen treatment, and/or ICU admission