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Figure 2 | BMC Immunology

Figure 2

From: Autoreactive marginal zone B cells enter the follicles and interact with CD4+ T cells in lupus-prone mice

Figure 2

Intrafollicular location of 56R and AM14 HC Tg MZB cells. Representative spleen sections of B6.Sle2.56R and B6.56R (A, 100X) and B6.TC.AM14.IgHa/b and B6.AM14.IgHa/b (B, 200X) mice stained with Moma-1-FITC, CD1d-PE, and IgMa-biotin-SA-PB. C. Quantitation in pixels corresponding to the stain combination specific for each cell type of CD1d+ IgMa cells in the MZ (pink) and corresponding FO (blue) B cell areas in B6.Sle2.56R, B6.56R, B6.TC.AM14.IgHa/b and B6.AM14.IgHa/b mice. Paired MZ and FO values within a strain were compared with the Wilcoxon signed ranked test, and the B6.TC.AM14.IgHa/b and B6.AM14.IgHa/b MZ values were compared with the Mann-Whitney test. CD21hi CD23hi representing the T2 and MZB precursor cells expressed as the percentage of transgenic IgMa cells (D), and percentage of CD21hi CD23lo MZ B cells expressed as the percentage of transgenic IgMa cells (E) and their absolute numbers (F) in B6.Sle2.56R and B6.56R and B6.TC.AM14.IgHa/b and B6.AM14.IgHa/b mice. Graphs show means and SEMs, and the statistical significance of Student t tests. *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001.

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