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Table 5 Expression stability of endogenous standard genes under non-normalised conditions After 3 hours of stimulation with LPS, PBMC from healthy donors were split in 2 identical aliquots and total cellular RNA was extracted at 2 days interval. The same volume of RNA was reverse transcribed and β2-MG, UBC and YWHAZ transcripts were amplified by real time PCR using CyProQuant-PCR technique. Results show the mean values obtained for the 2 extractions in arbitrary units.

From: CyProQuant-PCR: a real time RT-PCR technique for profiling human cytokines, based on external RNA standards, readily automatable for clinical use

Stimulation conditions

Molecules detected (arbitrary units)



LPS 3 h


1.24 107

1.48 107


(1.00 107 – 1.49 107)

(1.17 107 – 1.79 107)


2.04 105

2.39 105


(0.62 105 – 3.46 105)

(1.51 105 – 3.28 105)


1.89 105

2.80 105


(0.78 105 – 3.01 105)

(2.25 105 – 3.34 105)