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Figure 7 | BMC Immunology

Figure 7

From: Divergence of canonical danger signals: The genome-level expression patterns of human mononuclear cells subjected to heat shock or lipopolysaccharide

Figure 7

Merge of two top scoring IPA networks derived from the list of 184 genes common to both the upregulated LPS-responsive gene list and the upregulated heat shock-responsive gene list. The merged network is depicted in the context of cellular compartments. This upregulated, common LPS/heat shock-responsive network contains two nodes in the extracellular compartment having a high degree of connectivity to other network genes: interleukin-1β (IL1B) and interleukin-8 (IL8). Both the IL1B and IL8 nodes also demonstrate high level connectivity to the NF-κB pathway. Gold lines indicate connectivity between the two merged networks. See text for network derivation, and see Additional file 8 for network gene list and Additional file 4 for network legend.

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