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Fig. 1 | BMC Immunology

Fig. 1

From: Patients with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage have abnormally high TGFß+ blood NK, NKT and T cells in the presence of abnormally low TGFß plasma levels

Fig. 1

Gating strategy for the determination of NK, NKT and T cell subsets. After excluding doublets from the total of acquired events, peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were gated according to FSC/SSC and CD45/SSC dot plot. Then, CD3-CD56+ NK cells, CD3 + CD56+ NKT cells and CD3+ T cells were gated in the CD3-APC/CD56-PerCPCy5.5 dot plot. CD3-CD56+ NK cells were further analyzed according to the intensity of the CD56 and CD16 expression (CD16-V450/CD56-PerCPCy5.5 dot plot). Further, dependent on isotype controls, subsets of NKT cells, T cells, CD56brightCD16dim/− NK cells, CD56dimCD16+ NK cells and CD56 + HLADR+ NK cells were analyzed using the depicted gate settings in dot plots of IL10R/TGFßRII, cIFNy/cIL10, cTGFß/cIL4. FSC, forward-scattered light, SSC, side-scattered light

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