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Fig. 7 | BMC Immunology

Fig. 7

From: EGR2 is elevated and positively regulates inflammatory IFNγ production in lupus CD4+ T cells

Fig. 7

Inhibition of EGR2 significantly reduces IFNγ production in splenic CD4+ T cells of MRL-lpr lupus, but not control MRL mice. The splenocytes form 14–15-week- old MRL and MRL-lpr mice were transfected with negative control (NC, solid Red) and EGR2 specific (dotted blue) DsiRNA, respectively. Forty-eight hours after transfection, the cells were stimulated with PMA and ionomycin and Golgi protein transport inhibitor to analyze the expression of IFNγ and EGR2 in gated CD4+ T cells by intracellular flow cytometry. The solid black line represents the baseline EGR2 and IFNγ expression in unstimulated cells. (a) The representative histogram plots show the EGR2 and IFNγ expression in gated CD4+ T cells of NC and EGR2 DsiRNA transfected MRL splenocytes. (b-e) The summary graphs show the percentage of EGR2 expressing cells (b), EGR2 expression intensity (MFI, c), the percentage of IFNγ expressing cells (d), IFNγ expression intensity (e) in gated CD4+ T cells of NC and EGR2 DsiRNA treated MRL splenocytes. Graphs show means ± SEM (n = 6 each). (f) The representative histogram plots show the EGR2 and IFNγ expression in gated CD4+ T cells of DsiRNA transfected MRL-lpr splenocytes. (g-j) The summary graphs show the percentage of EGR2 expressing cells (g), EGR2 expression intensity (h), the percentage of IFNγ expression cells (i), IFNγ expression intensity (j) in gated CD4+ T cells of NC and EGR2 DsiRNA treated MRL-lpr splenocytes. Graphs show means ± SEM (n = 6 each). Paired student t-tests (NC vs EGR2 DsiRNA); *, p < 0.05, **, p < 0.01, and ***, p < 0.001

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