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Fig. 6 | BMC Immunology

Fig. 6

From: Sex differences exist in adult heart group 2 innate lymphoid cells

Fig. 6

RNA-Seq analysis of heart lymphocytes from both male and female mice. A Percentage of ILC2s relative to CD45+ cells in heart tissues of both male and female mice. The percentage of heart ILC2s among CD45+ cells in female or male mouse for each sample is the cell numbers of female or male heart ILC2s divided by the total numbers of corresponding female or male CD45+ cells, respectively. Each dot represents one sample; error bars represent the mean ± SD; *p < 0.05; unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test. B Bubble plot representing the relative abundance of differentially expressed genes in heart ILC2s between male and female mice. DEGs are highlighted by red. The logFC threshold was set to 0.25 and adjust P value was set to < 0.05, respectively. C Pathway enrichment assay of highly expressed genes in both male and female heart ILC2s by GSVA. D UMAP reduction and data visualization of heart ILC2s. Two clusters of heart ILC2s were divided after unsupervised clustering. E Violin plots showing the expression of marker genes in 2 clusters of heart ILC2s, and DEGs are highlighted by red. F The percentages of Clusters 0 and 1 in male and female mouse heart ILC2s (left) and the percentage of Clusters 0 and 1 relative to CD45+ cells in male and female mouse hearts (right)

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