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Table 1 Clinical and laboratory presentation of AGN patients

From: CD206+CD68+ mono-macrophages and serum soluble CD206 level are increased in antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies associated glomerulonephritis


Patients with active AGN (n = 14)

Patients with remissive AGN (n = 13)

Sex (male, %)

10 (71.4)

4 (30.8)

Age (yrs, mean)



MPO-ANCA positivity/PR3-ANCA positivity



Extrarenal involvement (n, %)


 Lung and upper respiratory tract

12 (85.7)



6 (42.9)


 Nervous system

2 (14.3)


 Cutaneous/mucous membranes/eyes

2 (14.3)



5 (35.7)


BVAS (median, range)

20.5 (12–29)


Renal involvement


 Proteinuria (mg/24 h, median [range])

1653 (276–5242)

560 (87–1249)

 Serum creatinine (μmol/L, mean ± SD)

590.9 ± 105.9

209.5 ± 33.4

 eGFR (ml/min, mean ± SD)

12.4 ± 2.4

32.0 ± 5.2

Laboratory perimeters


 ESR(mm/h, mean ± SD)

55.9 ± 38.8

10.1 ± 7.5

 CRP(mg/L, mean ± SD)

43.2 ± 60.5

1.0 ± 0.6

 White blood cell count (× 109/L, mean ± SD)

9.3 ± 3.6

8.2 ± 2.8

  1. ENT, ear, nose, and throat; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP, C-reactive protein